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“Fragmentation is always an issue - harmonization is the key.”

January 2024

Dear Exposome Austria community and supporters,

As we stand fresh at the dawn of the new year, we want to reflect on the past one. In this annual newsletter, the very first of this format, we are happy to offer you a short recap of our scientific endeavor and engagements of the research infrastructure.

You will find a brief summary of the Austrian National Node´s activities and our key achievements. All this in three consise sections covering shortly the areas we particularly focused on throughout 2023:


(1) Build relationships, shape the future (i.e. institutional grow)

(2) Identifying capacities and community needs (i.e. inventory and funding)

(3) Dissemination and internationalization (i.e. networking and publishing)

We appreciate and thank for your continued support and interest in our work.

Wishing you an insightful read as well as the inspirational year 2024.

Our best regards on behalf of the entire consortium

Jan Jindra, MA
Managing Officer, Exposome Austria - Research Infrastructure & National EIRENE Node

Prof. Benedikt Warth

National Coordinator, Exposome Austria - Research Infrastructure & National EIRENE Node 

SAVE THE DATE! 22 May, 2024 @UNIVIE 

9:00-12:00 Scientific Mini Symposium 

First Exposome Retreat in Retz (03/2023)

Within National Node and EIRENE RI 

Throughout the past year, our focus in this area has been twofold: fostering connections within the exposome community and its organizations while strategically defining our future path (institutionally).

As a consortium of four partner institutions - University of Vienna, Medical University of Vienna, Medical University of Innsbruck and Environment Agency Austria - and a member country of the ESFRI-EIRENE research infrastructure of the ESFRI Roadmap, these efforts remain at the forefront of our collaborative agenda.

  • March | First retreat of Exposome Austria was held in Retz, the winery center of Lower Austria´s Weinviertel brought together members of our concortium, their research group, and also several invited experts from the exposome-related community. Relationships with Exposome Austria were deepened and new ideas to broaden collaboration came up, e.g. planning of the national pilot studies. 

  • May | 2nd Advisory Board Meeting convened again at the University of Vienna, uniting members of the international advisory body and EA consortium. The board recognized an excellent performance of the Exposome Austria research infrastructure in its initial year and suggested several valuable recommendations we have started to implement.

Scientific and Strategic Advisory Board

  • October & December EIRENE Preparatory Phase Project Meetings Exposome Austria closely connected and aligned with the European EIRENE partners through multiple meetings both in person and remotely; preparatory phase project was discussed both in Q4 at the Vienna meeting hosted by UNIVIE team and the EIRENE consortium meeting in Rome where many of the national nodes´ representatives met. 

  • 2023 Four national consortium meetings were organized (2 in person, 2 remotely) to keep the momentum of the National Node´s building process going and regularly discuss the progress and goals the consortium strives to achieve.

October 2023

EIRENE Europe Management Board Meeting, Vienna (October 2023)

EIRENE Consortium Meeting, HQ National Research Council  of Italy, Rome (December 2023)
Right (speaking): Prof. Jana Klánová, a coordinator of the ESFRI Research Infrastructure for human exposome EIRENE.


Complete inventory, diversify resource channels

There is a lot what a distributed, laboraty-intensive research infrastructure needs: cutting-edge instruments, materials, highly qualified scientific and management personnel. Our immediate focus therefore lies on strengthening the node's finances through diverse funding streams. A comprehensive inventory to identify gaps and develop corresponding services was therefore started to be established.

  • 2023 | Exposome Austria participated in diverse third-party funding calls

  • 2023 New mass spectrometric top-notch
    instrumentations were acquired with the support from the University of Vienna and Medical University Innsbruck for enhanced technological capacities. 

  • 2023 Exposome Austria advanced exposomic workflow inventory to identify the needs of the European infrastructure and community, listing the services that are ready to deploy, ready to be offered to the users-customers from academia, research and industry.

Watch & learn, exchange experience, go public

Establishing Austria's exposomics research infrastructure node is a challenging, long-term endeavor. Team members visited EU partners and coordinator institution in Brno, Czech Republic. 


Krausová, M., Braun, D., Buerki-Thurnherr, T., Gundacker, C., Schernhammer, E., Wisgrill, L. and Warth, B., 2023. Understanding the chemical exposome during fetal development and early childhood: a review. 
Annual Review of Pharmacology and Toxicology63, pp.517-540.

Hartmann, C., Jamnik, T., Weiss, S., Göß, M., Fareed, Y., Satrapa, V., Braun, D., Flasch, M., Warth, B. and Uhl, M., 2023. Results of the Austrian Children's Biomonitoring Survey 2020 part A: Per-and polyfluorinated alkylated substances, bisphenols, parabens and other xenobiotics. International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health249, p.114123. 


Flasch, M., Fitz, V., Rampler, E., Ezekiel, C.N., Koellensperger, G. and Warth, B., 2022. Integrated exposomics/metabolomics for rapid exposure and effect analyses. JACS Au2(11), pp.2548-2560.

Granitzer, S., Widhalm, R., Atteneder, S., Fernandez, M.F., Mustieles, V., Zeisler, H., Hengstschläger, M. and Gundacker, C., 2023. BDNF and KISS-1 Levels in Maternal Serum, Umbilical Cord, and Placenta: The Potential Role of Maternal Levels as Effect Biomarker. Exposure and Health, pp.1-17.

Jamnik, T., Flasch, M., Braun, D., Fareed, Y., Wasinger, D., Seki, D., Berry, D., Berger, A., Wisgrill, L. and Warth, B., 2022. Next-generation biomonitoring of the early-life chemical exposome in neonatal and infant development. Nature Communications13(1), p.2653.


Ayeni, K.I., Berry, D., Wisgrill, L., Warth, B. and Ezekiel, C.N., 2022. Early-life chemical exposome and gut microbiome development: African research perspectives within a global environmental health context. Trends in microbiology.

Thank you for being a valued member of our community. 
We appreciate your continued engagement with us.

Exposome Austria Managing Team

If you prefer not to receive further newsletters or other information from us, please let us know by responding to this email. Your feedback is important to us, and we want to ensure that our communication aligns with your preferences.

Exposome Austria, University of Vienna
Jan Stiglitz, Benedikt Warth
Research Infrastructure & National EIRENE Node | Währinger Straße 38, A-1090 Vienna | exposome.at/