Faculty of Life Sciences
01/22 [English version below]

Faculty News Januar

Liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen,



Gerhard Ecker  

BILD DES MONATS: Woman in Science

From February 11th (International Day of Women and Girls in Science) to March 8th (International Women's Day) the slider of our Faculty's homepage features many of our female scientists from Master Student to Vice Dean. Wit this campaign we sent a strong message for female representation in the Life Sciences!

Thanks to the over 50 woman who sent in their portraits!!


15.03. 13:30


Save the Date  28-29. April 2022 

Scientific Advisory Board Meeting und Fakultätsfest



 We want your pictures!

Fotowettbewerb Pictures of Life (Sciences)


Die Forschung an unserer Fakultät ist vor allem eins: vielseitig!

Um diese Vielfalt zu zeigen, suchen wir außergewöhnliche und spannende Schnappschüsse aus dem Forschungsleben! Alle Einsendungen werden beim Fakultätsfest am 28. April ausgestellt; die Gewinnerfotos werden mittels Onlinevoting ermittelt.

Alle Infos und das Einreichformular hier


Einsendeschluss ist der 30. März

Wiener Forschungsfest 2022


Call for Exhibits: jetzt Projekt einreichen und als Ausstellerin/Aussteller dabei sein!


Am Wochenende vom 09. – 11. September 2022 findet das Forschungsfest im Wiener Rathaus statt und lädt ein breites Publikum ein, Forschung, Entwicklung und Innovation aus Wien hautnah zu erleben.

Vor allem bei Kindern und Jugendlichen soll mit der interaktiven Mitmachausstellung Begeisterung für innovative Lösungen und Projekte aus Wien geschaffen und spannende Berufsbilder aufgezeigt werden.

Alle Details zum Call erfahren Sie in der Online-Infoveranstaltung am 4. Februar. Eine Anmeldung ist erforderlich. 


Alle Infos und das Einreichformular hier

Einreichfrist ist der 14. März 2022 

UNIVIE Teaching Award2022


Die Relevanz von Lehrveranstaltungsinhalten sowie die Förderung von erfolgreichen Abschlüssen stehen im Zentrum des diesjährigen UNIVIE Teaching Award. Studierende, Lehrende und Funktionsträger*innen im Bereich Lehre sind herzlich eingeladen, Lehrveranstaltungen zu nominieren, die sie für herausragend halten.

Das Preisgeld von € 3.000 ist nicht zweckgewidmet und kommt unmittelbar den Preisträger*innen zugute.

Alle Informationen und die Einreichung hier 








!!Verschoben auf 6. Mai 2022!!

"Development and Stem Cell" regional meeting - Postponed!!

Infos und Registrierung (bis 25. März) unter: https://devstem.pages.ist.ac.at/




Alle VBC Events/Lectures unter: https://www.viennabiocenter.org/about/events/


22.-25. Februar;

6th Human Brain Project Student Conference

on Interdisciplinary Brain Research

Infos und Anmeldng unter: https://www.humanbrainproject.eu/en/education/HBPSC2022/


Event Tipp

Virtuelle Ausstellung

Leichen im Keller - Menschliche Überreste zwischen Rückgabe und Verbleib

kuratiert von Masterstudierenden der Fakultät für Kultur- und Sozialanthropologie 





Förderungen und Events des International Office

  • Mobility Fellowships: Chicago, Jerusalem, Kyoto, Peking und Shanghai
  • Workshops: Central European Network for Teaching and Research in Academic Liaison (CENTRAL)


Unser Forschungssupport hat eine neue Website!


Die Forschungsförderung der Fakultät unterstützt Forscherinnen und Forscher bei der Beantragung und Durchführung von Drittmittelprojekten. Die neue Website informiert über ausgewählte Fördermöglichkeiten (national und international) für Ihre Projektidee sowie Veranstaltungen und Schulungen zur Drittmittelakquise und zeigt forschungs- und förderrelevante Neuigkeiten. Herbert Gasser steht Ihnen weiterhin gerne persönlich zur Verfügung.


Website Research Support Life Sciences


Feedback und Verbesserungsvorschläge sind sehr willkommen!

Einige interessante Fördermöglichkeiten:

Dear colleagues,


Even though realizing projects in times of Covid can be difficult, many things are happening in our faculty!

For instance, some results from the SySt working groups have already been implemented and tested: the space management of the cluster areas in the new UBB has been organized in a a new and transparent manner, so that the offices shared by several departments can be utilized efficiently. The newly conceived lab teaching worked well in the winter semester, a feedback session is being planned to make further improvements. The concept for holistic IT support was further developed and serves as the foundation for the faculty's IT strategy. The network CampSus is engaged in many projects for the implementation of the sustainability goals in the faculty. Representatives from all subunits could be recruited to anchor sustainability in the individual departments. 

The month of February will now be used to prepare the target agreements with the Rectorate, which is scheduled for April 1st. The corresponding discussions with the departments will take place the week after. Our Scientific Advisory Board has also been invited for spring to discuss faculty developments. More information on this will follow soon.

In the meantime, I wish all of you a successful year of 2022. Stay healthy!


Gerhard Ecker


Welcome Verena Schünemann!


As of February 1st, Verena Schünemann starts her professorship in paleogenetics at the Department of Evolutionary Anthropology. Her research interests are the analysis of historical pathogens and their interaction with humans.

In this podcast, she talks to Roger de Weck of Republik.ch about the history of the plague, syphilis, and about what we can learn from tese pathogens in the current pandemic.


We warmly welcome Verena Schünemann to our faculty!


Save the Date 28th-29th April 2022 

Scientific Advisory Board Meeting and Faculty Festival



We want your pictures!!

Photo Contest: Pictures of Life (Sciences)


Research at our faculty is one thing above all: diverse!

To show this diversity, we are looking for extraordinary and exciting snapshots of your research life! All submissions will be exhibited at the Faculty Festival on April 28th; the winning photos will be determined via an online voting.


All info and the submission form here 


The deadline for entries is March 30th

Vienna Research Festival 2022


Call for Exhibits: submit your project now and become an exhibitor!


On the weekend of September 9th – 11th, 2022, the Research Festival will take place in Vienna City Hall. It invites a broad audience to experience research, development and innovation from Vienna up close.

Especially among children and young people, an interactive hands-on exhibition should aim to create enthusiasm for innovative solutions and projects from Vienna and highlights exciting job profiles.


If you want to find out more about the call, there is an online information event on February 4. Registration is required.


More information and the submission form here

Call for entries: UNIVIE Teaching Award2022


The focus of this year’s Teaching award is the relevance of teaching content as well as the promotion of successful graduation. Students, teachers and officials in the field of teaching are invited to nominate courses that they consider outstanding.

The prize money of € 3,000 is uncommitted and will directly benefit the award winners.

Further information and submission here



University of Vienna

!!Postponed to May 6th 2022!!

"Development and Stem Cell" regional meeting - Postponed!!

More information and registration (until March 25th) at: https://devstem.pages.ist.ac.at/




All VBC Events/Lectures at: https://www.viennabiocenter.org/about/events/


22th-25th Februar;

6th Human Brain Project Student Conference

on Interdisciplinary Brain Research

Infos und Anmeldng unter: https://www.humanbrainproject.eu/en/education/HBPSC2022/

 Event Tip

virtual exhibition

Skeletons in the closet - Human remains between restitution and whereabouts

curated by Master  students of the Faculty of Cultural and Social Anthropology





Grants and events of the International Office


  • Mobility Fellowships: Chicago, Jerusalem, Kyoto, Beijing and Shanghai
  • Workshops: Cenrtal European Network for Teaching ans Research in Academic Lisaison (CENTRAL)


Our research support has a new website!


The Faculty’s research support assists researchers with the application and implementation of third-party funded projects. The new website will inform about selected funding opportunities (national and international) for your project idea and events and training courses on third-party funding acquisition, and shows research and funding-related news. As always, Herbert Gasser is happy to support you in person.


Website Research Support Life Sciences


Any feedback and suggestions for improvement are very welcome!

Dekanat der Fakultät für Lebenswissenschaften | Djerassiplatz 1, 1030 Wien | lifesciences.univie.ac.at